Please be advised that all messages on this board are reviewed every day. The use of any foul language will not be tolerated. The personal attack of any individuals regardless of their views, will not be tolerated. The message board is to be used by the tenants in a constructive and positive way. It is to pass along information, ask questions, have fun, and voice your opinions and objections. Your opinions and objections should be voiced in a kind constructive and friendly manner without the use of personal attacks and foul language. Effective immediately the Management of Oak Tree Park will not tolerate this conduct and will start it’s action immediately by taking down any messages that attack individuals, use foul language or are obscene in nature. Effective immediately any message in violation of this policy will be taken down. If this still gets out of hand, then this section of the web site will be closed. It would be a shame to close this section, as it could be a great informational, communications benefit, for both the tenants and the management of Oak Tree Park. Residents who have any serious concerns or problems should contact management in the office immediately.
Oak Tree Mobile Home Park and it's management is not responsible for any content on this message board.